Register For The Best Freshers Assessment Platform | Skill Grade

The Skill Grade Assessment Test (SGAT) is rendering the offerings with a minimal fee of 500 rs/- chargeable to the candidates. In the process, the institutes appeal the prospective candidates to use the platform as a self-evaluation tool to ascertain their levels of preparation to withstand the competitive environment and hone their skills to be competitive, and the whole process is organized in a transparent manner.

At the end of each of the levels of assessment, a detailed analysis of the test is given to the student identifying their strengths and weaknesses.

Moving forward, our endeavor is to make the SGAT as a respectful assessment test, thus saving the precious time of the corporates in their hiring process.

Register For The Best Freshers Assessment Platfomr | Skill Grade

Support to the Training & Placement department

In the technical education institutions such as engineering colleges and polytechnics, wherever there is a need for an active training and placement activity, we complement the effort of the respective training and placement officers in their endeavor to prepare the students for campus placements.


In an assessment test, we quantify the skills of the candidates in four phases, which includes a pen and paper based written examination in two phases, soft-skills examination in the third phase and interviewing skills in the fourth phase.

What is a Skill Grade Assessment Test?

It is an assessment Test that evaluates the candidate’s preparedness to appear the examinations and interviews to earn a job.

How Skill Grade Assessment Test is different to other skill development institutes?

Skill Grade Assessment Test (SGAT) as the name indicates, our focus is only to evaluate the skills and preparedness of the candidates. Other institutions focus in developing the skills of the candidates, than assessing their existing skill set.

Purpose Of Conducting The Skill Grade Assessment Test

The test is a SWOT analysis of their competencies and hones their skills to stay ahead in the competitive job market.

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